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Epic Tones

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The ultimate EDM radio station, available 24/7

Introducing Epic Tones Radio, the ultimate EDM radio station that will take your musical journey to new heights. We understand that music is meant to be shared, that’s why our mobile app comes with Apple CarPlay integration, allowing you to seamlessly connection to your car’s entertainment system.


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Explore the entire Epic Tones Records catalogue, featuring releases form artists like Pascal Junior, Sllash & Doppe, Rompassso, Ali Bakgor, Rammor, Rober Cristian and many more …

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Anyma’ Tale Of Us Announces New Album

Anyma, one half of the electrifying electronic duo Tale of Us, is setting the music world abuzz with the announcement of his latest solo venture,…

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Homepage V2

Coachella’s 2024 New Dance Music Stage

Coachella’s vibrant festival grounds exciting news Coachella’s introduction of a brand-new dance music gem, the Quasar stage. Announced through a buzzworthy social media blast earlier…

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