DJ Mag's Global Showdown: Top 100 DJs 2023 | Epic Tones

DJ Mag’s Global Showdown: Top 100 DJs 2023

DJ Mag Show: Heads Up, Music Lovers!

The Top 100 DJs 2023 is about to drop on November 15th in an epic collaboration with Unicef. 

The global electronic music scene awaits this list with bated breath and every year, this announcement sets the tone, influencing playlists, festivals and club line-ups worldwide.

DJ Mag’s YouTube channel is the only place to be on Wednesday, November 15th at 6pm GMT / 7pm CET / 2pm ET. Promising a global musical extravaganza, the evening guarantees beats, bass and breathtaking surprises.

The DJ Mag show will be staged at the iconic The Standard – Ibiza, a location that resonates with the heartbeats of electronic music lovers, the event gets an extra touch of glamour with BBC Radio One’s very own Arielle Free leading the night. Her dynamic presence is just the cherry on top! 😁

DJ Mag

But here’s where it gets even more tantalizing. Revel in five spellbinding DJ sets, each from a different corner of the globe, showcasing the diversity and depth of the electronic genre. These sets are a testament to DJ Mag’s global footprint and influence. And as the crescendo builds, the much-awaited list of 2023’s Top 100 DJs will be unveiled.

On DJ Mag’s Instagram and X (the avant-garde evolution of Twitter) an electrifying countdown will set social media starting at 5:30pm GMT. This digital prelude promises behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, artist interviews and, ofc, fans’ predictions.

To ensure you don’t miss this musical milestone, hit Subscribe on DJ Mag’s YouTube channel. As the beats drop and history is made, make sure you’re right there, experiencing every moment!

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